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  • Imad El Moueden

Thank Art

Thank Art

In times of uncertainty, crisis and lockdown people tend to turn towards art more than ever.

We binge-watch movies, listen to our favourite music on repeat and rewatch fashion shows from the past years.

We dig up old classics and even discover something new and fresh.

Now is the time to take inspiration and appreciate all the different forms of art and artists.

Whether it’s a designer, a musician, a blogger, a painter or an actor.

Because although we surround ourselves with what they create more than ever, they might be struggling since there are no shows, no exhibits and no live acts that are booked.

We should be aware of how fortunate we are, that in this crisis, we have access to almost every form of entertainment and art in matters of seconds.

Therefore, whenever you feel like these people impact your life in a positive way, support them, show them love, let them know you appreciate it.

Buy some of their merchandise, don’t cancel tickets you’ve already bought because the dates have been postponed, or simply shoot them a message to say “Thank you”.

It will certainly be appreciated and bring out energy to keep going.

History shows it has always been this way, that in times like these, art is so very present and a place to find refuge in.

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